Installation Instructions

How to Use Each Feature
How to Use Each Feature
A menu to read the recorded log data and creates a graph.
1) Select [LOG DATA] with the multi-selector and determine with the
Enter operation.
2) Select LOG DATA to create a graph and determine with the Enter
3) By selecting the log data, a menu will be displayed.By selecting
[VIEW DATA], the log data is displayed as a graph.
4) Setting the Display Size
When Enter is being operated while a graph is displayed, it sets
the size of the graph to display.
Setting Range:1/1 (8.5s/PAGE):1 page/8.5 seconds
1/2 (17s/PAGE): 1 page/17 seconds
1/4 (34s/PAGE): 1 page/34 seconds
1/8 (68s/PAGE): 1 page/68 seconds
Default: 1/1(8.5s/PAGE)
5) Methods to move a page
When operating the Select button while a graph is displayed, you
can set the method to move the displayed page.
Setting Range: Cursor/Page/Lap
Default: Cursor
*When Enter is being operated on the screen, which a graph is
displayed on, it moves to the lap list.
A feature to change the file names of the selected log data.
Only alphabets and numbers can be used for file names.
1) Select [LOG DATA] with the multi-selector and determine with
the Enter operation.
2) Select LOG DATA to change the file name and determine with
the Enter operation.
3) Setting the Data Name
With the multi-selector, move the cursor “___” to the position
where texts are entered. Once the position is set, determine the
cursor position with the Enter operation.
*Once the cursor position is set, it moves to the selection of text
4) Determining Texts to enter
Select texts to enter with the multi-selector. Once you have
determined which texts to enter, input with the Enter operation.
Setting Range: A~Z, 0~9, Symbols
*When changing texts that have been entered or moving the cursor
of text input, press the back button and cancel theaction.
*To switch between alphabets and numbers, use the Select button.
Text Position Cursor
(it flashes when moving the cursor.)
Text Input Selection Cursor