User manual

S Condensation
Moisture can condense on the optical lens of the CD player during humid or rainy days, or after the car heater
is turned on. If this occurs the disc player may not function properly. To remedy the situation, remove the disc
from the unit and wait approximately one hour.This should allow the moisture to evaporate and restore normal
S TemperatureConsideration
The unit may not operate correctly in extremely hot or cold temperatures. Avoid exposing the unit to extremely
high or low temperatures.
S Interruptions in the sound (skipping)
Whenthe car is driven on very rough surfaces,the sound from the CD playermay skip and be interrupted. This
will not cause any damage to the disc or the player. If this occurs, wait for the road surface to improve before
using the CD player.
S Safety
Forsaferdriving,keep the volume ata moderatelevel toenable you to hearoutsidesounds (such as emergenĆ
cy vehicle sirens).
S Cleaning the unit
Cleantheunitwith a soft,drycloth.Stainsshould be removedby wiping thesurfaces witha softcloth immersed
in lukewarm water and wrung dry. Never use strong chemicals or solvents. These will damage thefinishofthe
S Disc care
Whennot using the disc player for extended periods, remove the compact disc and return it to the plastic storĆ
age case. Do not leave a disc partially ejected from the player.
S Servicing
Shoulda problem develop, do not open the unit or try to repair it yourself. If servicing is required, bring the unit
to a Sanyo Authorized Service Center.