User's Manual

VS-600 Resident Unit Manual B-3
B.3.1 Options Tab
The Options Tab shows the configuration options of the resident unit. The options tab is split
into two main areas: Set Number and Parameters. The Set Number area contains the dial
strings, priority and dome light settings for each call device and for the menu and activities
buttons. The Parameters area allows you to check the resident unit’s battery and internal clock.
The Options Tab is subdivided into three tabs: Numbers, Supervision Numbers, and Misc.
The Numbers Tab contains dial string, priority, and dome light settings for different call-in
devices. The Supervision Numbers Tab contains dial strings for situations triggered from
supervision. The Misc. tab contains dial string settings not covered in the previous tabs.
Use the Options Tab when you want to change dome light assignments, call phone destinations,
or call priorities.
B.3.1.1 Numbers Tab
The Numbers Tab contains the dial strings that the resident unit calls when a device makes a
Options Tab,
Numbers Tab
Primary: The Primary boxes contain the primary dial string that the resident unit will call when
a particular device makes a call-in.
Secondary: The Secondary boxes contain the secondary or rollover dial string that the resident
unit will call when a particular device makes a call-in and the primary contact does not answer.
This number will only be dialed if the “Redial Primary num.” box is checked on the
Prog./Config. tab.
A dial string based on a required dial scheme must be entered into the Primary and Secondary
boxes. For an explanation of a dial string example, refer to Creating Dial Strings, section B.5.
Priority: A call device can be assigned a priority from 1 (highest) to 6 (lowest). For example, if
a resident presses the call button, it dials the assigned phone number and alerts the destination. If
the resident then triggers a higher-priority device, such as a call pendant, the call from the call