User's Manual

If you select the backup section name you want to view, the related section log will be
Caution: The number of saved backup log is up to 10 at each section.
5. Using for Mac, Linux and Unix
5.1 Using under Mac
5.1.1 Using the web browser
The using method is the same with the method under the Windows OS series.
5.1.2 Using the common FTP program
It is the same with the case of Windows OS series.
5.1.3 Using the file server using SAMBA
This function for the file server using the SAMBA is available under Mac OS X or the later v
ersion of 10.3.
To use SAMBA, at theSystem configuration
-> Share” of the Mac system, check the "Windows f
ile share" item.
1) Access at the command window
Enter "smb://user’s name:PW@IP add/Sharefoldername" on the command window. When
using the DDNS service or in the local group, enter thehostname” instead of the “IP
add”. The “user’s name” and the “PW” are not the required item.