User's Manual

#mkdir /mnt/samba
Perform the mounting as follows. Enter the SAMBA password of users. When the DDNS
service is used or connecting from the local group, it is possible to enter the host name
instead of the IP address. The sharefolder name of the home folder under the user’s name
is fixed to “USERHOME".
#mount -t smbfs -o username=user’s name“//IPaddress/sharefoldername” /mnt/samba
Password: Enter the SAMBA password. (For the U-Stor, the login password is the same
with the SAMBA password.)
If there is no problem, then connection is completed. After that you can use
“/mnt/samba” as common folder.
Release the mount.
#umount /mnt/samba
3) SAMBA connection using other program like window
After downloading the necessary program from the “, http://sourceforge.n
et, use file server using SAMBA.