Operating instructions

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During data communication between
the balance/scale and an on-line device
(computer), messages consisting of
ASCII characters are transmitted via the
interface. For error-free data communi-
cation, the parameters for baud rate,
parity, handshake mode and character
format must be the same for both units.
You can set these parameters in the
Setup menu so that they match those of
the on-line device. You can also define
parameters in the balance/scale to
make data output dependent on various
conditions. The conditions that can be
configured are described under each
of the application program descriptions.
If you do not plug a peripheral device
into the balance/scale interface port, this
will not generate an error message.
The balance/scale interface (Sartorius Scale
Interface = SBI) has transmit and receive
buffers. You can define the handshake
parameter in the Setup menu:
Hardware handshake (CTS/DTR)
Software handshake (XON, XOFF)
Hardware Handshake
With a 4-wire interface, 1 more character
can be transmitted after CTS (Clear to Send).