
Sartorius LMA200PM
Speed Meets Analytical Precision
If the sample contains a high moisture con-
tent, microwave drying is the fastest and
most effective thermogravimetric method
(loss-on-drying principle) for moisture
analysis. Developed for measuring moisture
content ranging from approx. 8% to 100%,
the LMA200PM performs moisture analysis
in a fraction of the time it takes for other
thermogravimetric methods. It delivers
results between approx. 40–120 seconds
on average. With a cylindrical design,
a focused emission of microwave energy
is channeled vertically through dual
apertures at the bottom of the chamber.
This concentrates the microwave energy
specifically to the sample. During the test,
a carousel spins the sample, permitting an
even distribution of microwave energy. This
prevents hot and cold spots from occurring,
a familiar problem with conventional
microwave analyzers.
Built-in analytical balance
The moist and dry weight of the sample
required for calculating the loss of mois-
ture is measured by a built-in analytical
weighing system featuring 0.1 mg resolu-
tion. Thanks to its monolithic design
(the cell is robotically etched from a
single block), this system is particularly
suitable for use in a moisture analyzer,
because it considerably reduces zero point
drift during heat exposure when compared
with classic weighing systems.
Intelligent endpoint determination
A moisture sensor integrated in the exhaust
system of the sample chamber monitors
the progress of drying. When the measure-
ment begins, the moisture of the air inside
the sample chamber continuously increases
as water evaporates from the sample. Once
the sample has dried and no longer releases
water, the air moisture content drops back
to its original level – a clear indication of
the end point. At the same time, the built-
in weighing system monitors the weight
progression and confirms when the
sample reaches a constant weight. This dual
monitoring system ensures optimal mois-
ture analysis results.
High speed
Two factors play a major role for ultra-fast
measurements. First, the sample must
absorb microwave energy within the short-
est time possible and transform it into heat
energy. For this purpose, the LMA200PM
has a cylindrically shaped sample chamber
that focuses the microwave radiation on
the sample optimally. Second, the resulting
water vapor must be transported away
from the sample as fast as possible to
obtain rapid analysis results. To accomplish
this, a sample is applied to a glass fiber pad
that allows water vapor to evaporate not
only from the top of the pad and upward
through the sample, but also from the bot-
tom of the pad. An exhaust system draws
water vapor out of the sample chamber,
thus preventing the effects of condensa-