
Sartorius LMA300P
Moisture Analysis in a Fraction of a Second
The LMA300P works with microwave reso-
nance technology. In this indirect measure-
ment method, a harmonic electromagnetic
resonator field is built up by a microwave
generator in a sensor (applicator). When
the applicator is filled with a sample, the
water in the sample interferes with the
oscillation behavior (resonance) of the
microwave, or interacts with the resonance
field, changing the height and width of the
resonance frequency peak.
This change in resonance field is detected
by a sensor, and the analyzer CPU calcu-
lates the moisture content of the sample
based on the calibration previously
carried out. The basic analyzer calibration
required can be done by the classic oven
drying method or, of course, using an
infrared moisture analyzer from the
Sartorius MA series.
Fast measurement
The microwave resonance method offers
the advantage of particularly fast measure-
ment in under one second. At the same
time, it is non-destructive, which means
that samples can be further used for subse-
quent tests. Changes in the color and
surface structure of the sample, as is fre-
quently the case, for instance, in natural
raw materials, does not have any effect on
calibration or thus on the measured result,
unlike near infrared spectroscopy. The
microwave resonance method is not limited
to measurement of the surface moisture;
rather, it also determines the core moisture
thanks to its operating principle.
Application areas
The LMA300P can be used for nearly all
pourable and granulated products as well
as viscous liquids, such as whitewash and
other similar materials. The measuring
range is between approx. 0.1–60% mois-
ture. The prerequisite for operating the
analyzer is to calibrate measurements on
the basis of a measurement procedure pro-
viding absolute accuracy. The major appli-
cation area for the LMA300P is incoming
and in-process quality control.
The LMA300P is a modular-designed
system consisting of a control and evalua-
tion unit, LMA300PA, and a resonator
module. This type of modular design allows
a different resonator type to be used (avail-
able on request), and enables the analyzer
to be easily adapted to customer-specific