Operating instructions

ISO/GLP-compliant Printout/Record
You can have the parameters pertaining
to the ambient weighing conditions
printed before (GLP header) and after
(GLP footer) the values of a weighing
series. These parameters include:
GLP header:
Time at beginning of measurement
Balance manufacturer
Balance model
Balance serial number
Software version number
Identification number of the current
sampling operation
GLP footer:
Time at end of measurement
Field for operator signature
The record is output to a Sartorius data
printer or a computer.
G Setting menu codes for the printout
(see “Configuration"):
ISO/GLP-compliant record after
calibration/adjustment only: menu
code 8 10 2; or ISO/GLP-compliant
record always on: menu code 8 10 3
Line format for printout:
With data ID codes - 22 characters:
menu code 7 2 2
!No ISO/GLP-compliant record is output
if any of the following settings are
configured: menu code 6 1 4, 6 1 5,
6 1 6 (automatic printout) or 7 2 1
Function Keys
Press (A) to output header and first
measured value.
> Header is output the first time (A)
is pressed
Press (F) to include output header and
reference data on automatic printouts
when an application program is active
Close the application:
1) Output GLP footer:
Press (CF)
2) End application program:
Press (CF)