Operating instructions

Important Note
Although this equipment meets the requirements
of the Council Directive 89/336/EEC, you may
encounter problems with electromagnetic frequency
interference in individual cases (strong sources of
interference). On request, Sartorius will provide
information on the minimum operating specifications
(levels of interference, frequencies and variations in the
weighing results caused by this interference) to help
electricians and technicians to locate the source
of any interference.
Any modifications of Sartorius equipment or
any connections of cables or equipment that is not
authorized by Sartorius can adversely affect the
electromagnetic compatibility of this Sartorius
equipment (even if you use equipment that has been
individually tested and labeled using the C mark).
The operator shall be responsible for any
modifications to Sartorius equipment and must check
and, if necessary, correct these modifications.
The respective Declaration of Conformity is enclosed.