User's Manual

SATELLAR Radio Unit User manual v.0.7
Length of the synchronization sequence Can be either 32 or 64 symbol intervals. See
chapter 6.1 for more information.
Synchronization interval Can be adjusted by a numeric editor in the
range of 0 – 65535 bytes. See chapter 6.1
for more information.
Over-the-air encryption Can be either OFF or ON
7.2 Serial connector configuration
As indicated in chapter 5.6 the setting selected here comes to use when the function button is
pressed less than two seconds.
o In models RU-xxxx00 (RS-232 interface)
Can be selected from a predefined list of
Data + handshake: pin-out as described in chapter 5.1
Data + handshake + NMS: NMS port to DTR/DSR, otherwise the pin-out
as Data + handshake
Data + NMS: NMS port to RTS/CTS, otherwise the pin-out as Data +
o In models RU-xxxx01 (how about NMS in this case?)
Can be selected from a predefined list of
RS-232 (RD & TD only)
7.3 Data port settings
Number of data bits 7 or 8 bits
Data rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 38400, and
57600 bits/s
Number of stop bits 1 or 2 bits
Parity No parity check, Even, and Odd