User's Manual

SATELLAR Radio Unit User manual v.0.7
Maximum number of RTS retransmissions
o This value tells how many times a station can try to initiate the same transmission.
After the maximum number has been reached the station gives up. For new data
the RTS retransmission counter is reset.
RSSI threshold
o The value above which the received signal is strong enough to be able to
conclude that the radio channel is occupied.
7.6 Network protocol modes
As explained in chapter 6.5 the Radio unit can be configured to operate in the following network
protocol modes
o Basic mode
o Basic-repeater mode
o Source route-master mode
o Source route-slave mode
o Packet route mode
7.6.1 Station addresses and network ID
If the Radio unit is configured to operate either in source or packet route mode is must be given
an address. The user can select between 8 or 12 bit addresses. The address is then freely
selectable between 1 and 254 or 1 and 4094, respectively. The network ID is a four bit number,
thus selectable between 0 and 15.