User's Manual

User Guide, Version 2.2
Repeaters and addressing may be used to extend the coverage area of a radio modem network,
and to direct messages to selected radio modems in the network. In large systems, with several
repeaters and formed repeater chains, it is often practical to use routing instead of plain
addresses. For more information on routing, see Chapter 7.
6.1 Repeater
In circumstances where it is necessary to extend the coverage area of a radio modem network,
SATELLINE-3AS radio modems can be used as repeater stations.
The maximum size of a repeated data packet is 1 kB (kilobyte). The Repeater Function is
switched on using the Programming Mode. In the repeater mode the radio modem will function
as a totally independent unit, which means that only a power supply and a suitable antenna are
needed. Other devices are not necessary.
A radio modem acting as a repeater can also be used to receive and transmit data. In repeater
mode the radio modem will transmit the received data to the serial interface in a normal
fashion. The difference being that the received data will be buffered into the buffer memory.
After reception the radio modem will re-transmit the buffered data using the same radio channel
as in reception. Data received through the serial interface a radio modem in repeater mode will
transmit normally.
The same network may include several repeaters, which operate under the same base station.
Repeaters may also be chained; in which case a message is transmitted through several
repeaters. In systems with more than one serial or parallel chained repeater, addressing or
routing protocol must be used to prevent a message ending up in a loop formed by repeaters,
and to ensure that the message finally reaches only the intended radio modem.