User's Manual

User Guide, Version 2.2
9.1.1 Changing frequency (active radio channel frequency)
The frequency of the active radio channel can be changed by selecting main menu selection
”1”. In the example below the frequency is changed (468,2000 MHz 468,5250 MHz).
Enter selection >1
Radio frequency setup
Active channel 468.2000 MHz
Lower limit band 1 467.2000 MHz
Upper limit band 1 469.2000 MHz
Lower limit band 2 467.2000 MHz
Upper limit band 2 469.2000 MHz
Channel spacing 25 kHz
Enter new frequency (MHz) or ESC to previous > 468.5250
A list of frequency values will appear on the screen updated with the new active radio channel
frequency value:
Radio frequency setup
Active channel 468.5250 MHz
Lower limit band 1 467.2000 MHz
Upper limit band 1 469.2000 MHz
Lower limit band 2 467.2000 MHz
Upper limit band 2 469.2000 MHz
Channel spacing 25 kHz
Enter new frequency (MHz) or ESC to previous >ESC
Maximum adjustment range of the active radio channel frequency is ± 1 MHz counting from the
factory set centre frequency. Because of possible deviations in each country and/or region
concerning the authorised use of the frequency spectrum local authorities may limit this
adjustment range. SATELLINE-3AS radio modem can be supplied with the adjustment range
divided into two bands (Band 1
Band 1Band 1
Band 1 and Band 2
Band 2Band 2
Band 2), and this feature can be utilised in case it is
required to limit the arbitrary adjustment of the active radio channel accidentally to a forbidden
value. The centre frequency and the frequency band limiting values are factory set and the user
cannot change them. The active channel is selected by entering a numerical value.
djustment of the active radio channel of the radio modem to frequencies other than those
allocated and/or allowed by local authorities is strictly forbidden. Use or intended use o
forbidden frequencies may lead to prosecution and penalties. SATEL
is not responsible for any
illegal use practiced with any devices manufactured and/or sold by SATEL and is not liable to
pay any damages or compensation caused by such illegal use.