User's Manual

User Guide, Version 2.2
9.3.1 Frequency
Command Effect and description of command
SL&F=nnn.nnnn Set frequency to nnn.nnnn MHz
SL&F? Display current frequency (response 'nnn.nnnn MHz')
SL&C? Display center frequency (response 'nnn.nnnn MHz')
SL&+=nn Set frequency nn channels above center frequency
Frequency = Center frequency + nn * Channel spacing, where nn=[0...Number of
SL&-=nn Set frequency nn channels below center frequency
Frequency = Center frequency – nn * Channel spacing, where nn=[0…Number of
SL&N? Display current frequency deviation from center frequency as channels
(Frequency – Center frequency)/Channel spacing
9.3.2 Addressing
Command Effect and description of command
SL#I=xxxx Set all addresses (RX1, RX2, TX1, TX2) to value xxxx
SL#I? Display both primary addresses (TX1, RX1) (response ’xxxx;xxxx’)
SL#T=xxxx Set both transmit addresses (TX1, TX2) to value xxxx
SL#T? Display primary transmit address (TX1)
SL#R=xxxx Set both receive addresses (RX1, RX2) to value xxxx
SL#R? Display primary receive address (RX1)
xxxx = address in hexadecimal format (0000 … FFFF)
9.3.3 Radio parameters
Command Effect and description of command
SL@R? Display field strength of the last received message (the value is an average of many
measurements made during the same reception).
Response ”-xx dBm;-
x dBm”, where xx is a decimal value of the field strength. Two
values returned only if there is a diversity receiver in the device.
SL@P=xxxxx Set the RF output power, where xxxxx is the decimal value of the intended power in
milliwatts. If the given value does not correspond to one of the programmed power
levels, the output power is set to the nearest possible value.
SL@P? Requests the RF output power.
Response ”xxxxx mW”, where xxxxx is a decimal value the output power of the
SL@T=-xxx Set the minimum power level of the signal to be received (="Signal Treshold level),
where xxx is a decimal value of the new intended level in dBm.