User's Manual Part 1

VeriTracks™ User’s Manual
Satellite Tracking Of People 29
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In this Chapter you will learn how to:
- Set up a schedule for controlling events.
- Edit a schedule.
- Delete a schedule.
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Event control allows you to select time periods where events and the associated
notifications are reported. While this functionality works for the BluTag, it is
designed primarily for the CellTag.
During the selected time periods any event (Bracelet gone, etc) will be reported by
the system. During all other times, events will be ignored by the system and no
notification of a violation will occur. This functionality is used to suppress events
and notifications in cases where an offender is in a custody or controlled situation
and you do not want the events recorded. For instance, for an offender in a shelter or
work release program, event control could be used to suppress events like a bracelet
gone when the CellTag is taken from the individual for the evening.
Setting up a schedule
The Event Control tab on the enrollment screens allows you to set the times that
events are reported. The areas shown in Blue are the times for when events are
recorded and notifications sent.
For each day, select the start and end time for the schedule. You can pick end times
that are in the next day, VeriTracks™ will wrap the times around past midnight into
the next day.
Once you have saved the schedule THE TIMES THE SYSTEM WILL RECORD