User's Manual Part 2

VeriTracks™ User’s Manual
Satellite Tracking Of People 40
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This chapter covers the tools you will use to supervise an offender.
The offender status tool provides a quick snap shot of the offender’s current location and
The Search Screen locates an offender’s history, including reports and maps that show where
he/she has been.
Mapping tools analyze where an offender has been and what he/she has been doing.
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Determining Offender Location and Status
There are two ways to view offender location and status information. View the most current
information with the Offender Status submenu. View historic information, with the Search
submenu option that is designed to manage and display a complete historic view of the offender’s
The Offender Status button, like the inventory, enrollment and zone submenus, is designed
specifically for the supervising officer. It allows you to contact the offender and capture notes on
his/her activities. Access to the offender status is limited to the offenders in your office, and parent
offices if you are part of an organizational hierarchy. Users outside your organization (law
enforcement agencies for instance) cannot access offender status.
To promote data sharing, all users can access some offender information through the search
submenu. This is the only shared submenu under the supervision menu. The pages under the search
submenu are read only. This prevents users from outside your organization from changing any
offender data.
About the Offender Status Tabs
The Offender Status option provides you with a set of tabs that give an immediate status of the
selected offender. The three tabbed screens highlight location, events, and offender device history for
the selected offender.
As shown below the main tab is Status – the information block shows the offender’s name and the
device number. It also shows the last reported location of the offender, the time of the last position,
the last time the device reported in, and any events that are still open. This tab also provides a link to
a map of the offender’s activities for the day. If the offender has not had any location data today it
will show the data for the last day a position was obtained. This map has all the tools and
capabilities described later in this chapter.
When using a passive tag, a label will appear next to the Device Assigned: Device number.
Clicking on the contact button on the information block allows you to initiate an audible tone and/or
vibrate action or requests the current location from the device.