User's Manual Part 2

VeriTracks™ User’s Manual
Satellite Tracking Of People 42
Understanding Offender Status when using BluHome
When using the BluHome accessory, the last contact for the BluTag will be shown below ... When
the BluTag is in range (ENTER Event) of the BluHome, Active BluTags stop collecting GPS data and
stops calling directly over the wireless network. Instead the BluTag calls any GPS data it may still be
storing through the BluHome. When the Blutag passes GPS data through a BluHome the BluTag last
contact will update as will the last position.
When a tag arrives at the Home unit, it will likely pass GPS data on the tag through the BluHome.
An active tag will generally pass its last call data through the BluHome. A passive tag will of course
pass all its data through the BluHome on arrival. The passive data may take up to 30 minutes to
download on arrival depending on how long it has been since the offender has downloaded data.
Any events that occur while in an enter status will be passed through the BluHome. These events will
be listed as BluHome:BluTag EVENT, for instance a Bracelet Strap will be reported as
BluHome:BluTag Bracelet Strap. When BluTag passes event data through the BluHome, The last
contact (and last position) will not update. Instead this contact will be represented by the update to
the BluHome last contact.
When using the BluHome the status page will always show either an Enter or Leave under the events
label so a supervising agent or officer can quickly tell the Enter/Leave status at a glance.
About the Search Pages
To review an offender’s data on the shared pages (pages accessed by other agencies) or to quickly
review your entire case load use the Search submenu and pages. You may also use the search screen
to view historic data that is older than 24 hours. The search screen is designed around text-based
query screens that allow the user to create a custom query and generate the needed report. Appendix
X and Y described the offender search (also called Tracked Offender Search) and the four other query
screens and associated reports. The Search capability lets you display in read only format text
reports and map historic location information.