User's Manual

September 2013 63-70-076-DOC-1 15
MARS-24ATRUser Manual
4.1 quick stArt guide
Quick Start Guide
MARS Readers
1. Hardware Installation
(4.2 User Manual)
Connect a communication cable
(USB or Ethernet) to the reader
and host PC
Connect external antenna/s to
the reader
Connect a power pack to
the reader
2. Software Installation
(4.3 User Manual)
Install the ReaderManager software
from the supplied CD-ROM
3. Connecting to a reader using the ReaderManager
(4.4 User Manual)
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel
-> Network Connections
in Windows
Turn on the reader.
Wait for automatic network
connection to be established.
Open the Connection menu in the
ReaderManager. Find and click on
the reader you want to connect to
4. Antenna Matching, Tuning and Testing
(4.2.6 User Manual)
Tools -> System -> Reader Setup
in the ReaderManager
Use the Reader Setup Wizard to setup
reader-antenna connection, tune and
test antennas
5. Tag Reading
(4.4 User Manual)
Tools -> System -> Grid of Tag Sight Counts
in the ReaderManager.
Place tag/s onto the antenna/s
The tag IDs and the number of times the
tags were sighted will be displayed
HF RFID Readers/Writers
ISO/IEC 18000-3 Mode 2