User's Manual

1.7 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
D/C Date Code (month/year)
DSB Digital Support Board
HDF High Density Fiberboard (for MARS only)
HF High Frequency
GUI Graphical Use Interface
IT ItemTag (chips, inlets and labels)
ItemTag tags (IT tags) Magellan’s labels and inlets for item tagging
(separated items) that work with Magellan’s
family of reader-writers
LAN Local Area Network
LED Light Emitting Diode
MDF Medium Density Fiberboard (for MARS only)
MLC Machine Level Control (System Configuration
MRD Maximum Read-Write Distance
OEM label Original Equipment Manufacture label is located
on the back of the equipment. It includes the
Model Number, P/N, D/C, S/N and MLC.
PJM Phase Jitter Modulation or PJM™ is a registered
Trade Mark of Magellan Technology Pty Limited.
PJM is a RFID communication technology
developed and patented by Magellan
Technology Pty Ltd and complies with ISO/IEC
18000-3 Mode 2. PJM technology products
include a range of RFID chips, inlets, tags and
PJM ItemTag® Registered Trade Mark for Magellan’s ItemTag
PJM StackTag® Registered Trade Mark for Magellan’s StackTag
P/N Part Number
RAN Return Authorisation Number
Reader/s Magellan’s RFID reader-writer/s
ReaderManager Graphical user application for Windows/Linux
which provides a platform for testing,
demonstrations and application development
ReaderServer Embedded application that provides the
standard Application Programmer Interface to
serve end-user applications. This application
runs on the Reader.
RFID Radio Frequency IDentification
RFID inlet A RFID device comprising a microchip and a
printed antenna (copper/aluminium/conductive
inks) on a flexible substrate (PET plastic film)
RFID label RFID inlet with adhesive backing (sticky label)
RFID tag - generic name for RFID inlet and label;
- RFID inlet or label inserted into a
housing (glass, polycarbonate,
polyamid, epoxy, ABS, etc.)
RFID reader-writer Device for reading and writing to RFID tags
S/N Serial Number
ST StackTag (chips, inlets and labels)
StackTag tags
(ST tags)
Magellan’s labels and inlets for item tagging
(stacked, touched or overlapping items) that
work with Magellan’s family of reader-writers
MDR-1109 USER MANUAL 60-70-002-DOC ver.1 6