User's Manual

13-Nov-07 49-70-020-DOC 1749-70-020-DOC 17 17
MSTRP-5050 (MC 5/6)
User Manual
4.2.1 ConneCting tHe ReAdeR to A poWeR supply
Connection to the power source is realized via a power cable. The power cable is not supplied with the reader
and recommended to be purchased in the country of use. Refer to the Unpacking and Inspection section of this
Step 1: Connect the reader to a host computer or a network hub/switch using an Ethernet cable. Use a
crossover cable to connect the reader directly to the network interface port on the PC. Alternatively
use a USB cable to connect the tunnel to a PC.
Step 2: Turn on the PC or network hub/switch.
Step 3: Connect the power cable to the main power socket and use the external power switch to turn on the
4.2.2 ConneCting A ReAdeR to A ComputeR using usb
Connect the MSTRP-5050 reader to a host computer using the USB data communication cable by plugging the
USB cable into the MSTRP-5050 USB device port and the host computer USB port.
Only one Magellan reader can be connected to the PC via USB at a time (limited by Windows).
When the USB connection is used only a screened USB cable should be used.
4.2.3 ConneCting A ReAdeR to A ComputeR using etHeRnet
Connect the MSTRP-5050 reader to a host computer using a cross over Ethernet cable. Plug the Ethernet
communication cable into the MSTRP-5050 Ethernet port and the network interface port on the PC.
Always connect the Ethernet cable before power is applied to the reader.