User's Manual

20 49-70-020-DOC 13-Nov-0749-70-020-DOC 13-Nov-07 13-Nov-07
User Manual
MSTRP-5050 (MC 5/6)
once the unit is in an operational mode the green Channel LEDs will ash every time a tag is
successfully read
LEDs are controlled by the MSTRP-5050 software
The Warning LED shows a DSB malfunction and is always OFF. If the red light of the Warning LED is ON it
means that the reader is faulty
Before power is applied to the reader the Ethernet cable must have been connected to an operating PC or
network hub/switch
4.3 ReAdeRmAnAgeR softWARe instAllAtion
The ReaderManager application software allows tag data to be viewed and programmed.
The ReaderManager can only connect to one reader at a time. The Connections menu allows the user to connect
to other readers by disconnecting from the currently connected reader and then establishing a connection to a
new reader.
It is possible to run many ReaderManagers on the same computer at the same time. Simply double click on the
ReaderManager icon to open up multiple instances of the ReaderManager.
Refer to the ReaderManager Guide (40-01-006-DOC) for various tools and advanced options available in the
4.3.1 instAllAtion And funCtionAlity test
Step 1: Insert the CD supplied with the reader into the CD-ROM.
Step 2: Open Windows Explorer, double click on ReaderManager-Install.
Step 3: Ensure all items in the Install dialog are ticked, and then click the Install button.
If Python is not installed on your computer, the installation program will prompt you if you would like to install
Python. Click the Yes button and accept all the default options during installation.
When the ReaderManager and all the required libraries are installed the dialog box will be displayed. Ensure the
dialog box shows Completed and no problems are reported.
Step 4: Click the Close button to continue.