User's Manual

28 49-70-020-DOC 13-Nov-0749-70-020-DOC 13-Nov-07 13-Nov-07
User Manual
MSTRP-5050 (MC 5/6)
4.5 CommuniCAtion test
Perform the tag reading test by selecting Tools -> System -> Grid of tags sight count.
Check some default settings in Tools -> System-> Reader Settings:
Tag Type. Default is IFX_STACK. If you use ItemTags the default should be changed to IFX_ITEM. If you
want to read both IT and ST tags the Tag Type should be IFX_STACK.
The Powering Field box should be ticked.
Use one of the fully powered tags, place the tag on the reader antenna.
The rst square in the grid should turn from white to blue and display the tag’s ID number and the number of
times the tag was sighted (should be one). An example of this is shown below.