User Manual

8 Using your power meter
Using your power2max NGeco power meter is as easy as the initial operation and installation is.
8.1 Before your ride
When your bicycle isn’t being used, the power2max NG power meter is in standby. Once the crank is
moved, the power2max NGeco power meter is activated automatically, and it begins emitting a
signal. This is shown by the blinking of the green LED indicator light.
8.2 During your ride
Your power2max NGeco power meter updates the parameters power and cadence in 1 second
intervals; they are transmitted per ANT+ protocols.
8.3 Zero-point adjustment and thermal correction
To ensure a precise power measurement, the zero-point (the measured value when no torque is
present) is automatically determined by your power2max NGeco power meter. The zero-point
adjustment compensates for influences caused by temperature variations and mechanical zero-point
shifts. It is possible to repeatedly set the zero point at the head unit, but it isn’t necessary! This is
performed by the system automatically when it is not under power. “Not being under power” means
a stop in pedaling for at least two seconds during a ride. If a de-powering as described above is not
possible, for example during a long mountain climb, then your power2max NGeco power meter
automatically compensates for temperature. Thus your power2max NGeco guarantees a reliable
power measurement.
8.4 Battery life
Battery life is approximately 400 hours. Battery life can be decreased by low temperatures and by
transporting your bicycle, for example in your car.
8.5 After your ride
Your power2max NGeco power meter independently enters standby mode approximately two
minutes after ending your ride. This reduces electricity consumption and increases battery life.
8.6 Battery change
To change the battery, remove the battery cap. Pull out the empty battery and insert a new battery.
Pay attention to the correct position of the positive pole and negative pole. Close the battery cap and
check if it is in the correct position.
8.7 Turning the power meter on and off
You can turn off your power2max NGeco power meter yourself by removing the battery. You can
turn your power2max NGeco power meter back on by inserting the battery again.
NOTE: When transporting your bicycle, the power2max NG power meter is activated. Therefore, it is
recommended to turn off the power meter for longer transports. You should generally turn it off
when transporting your bike in a plane.