User manual

ThurayaIP Frequently Asked Questions December 2010
In general no, but it is subject to the application you have used to download the file.
3.28 Can I use simultaneously streaming and standard IP?
No, you cannot. You shall be able to use one at a time.
3.29 Can I setup user profiles on ThurayaIP?
Yes, there are 4 default user profiles: Standard, 128kb/s streaming, 256kb/s streaming and 384kb/s
3.30 Can I use ThurayaIP with any of the videoconferencing equipments?
Yes, ThurayaIP can be used with various videoconferencing units like Scotty, Polycom, etc,
3.31 Does a user have to setup the unit when moving from one location to another or one country
to another?
Yes, new GPS fix has to be acquired.
3.32 Can I use Fax over ThurayaIP?
ThurayaIP is a pure IP terminal. You can use any fax over IP software to send fax over ThurayaIP.
3.33 Does the bandwidth received changes when the connection rates drops from 80% to 70% for
Yes. The bandwidth/throughput that you get on ThurayaIP is heavily dependent on the correct pointing.
If the signal strength drops, the bandwidth available shall also drop.
3.34 When I use the terminal in a maritime environment, do I need a special setup?
Yes, when using the terminal in a maritime environment you have to use a Spacecom stabilized
maritime antenna.
3.35 Is the stabilized antenna mandatory in an oil offshore platform?
If it is a floating oil platform, then the stabilized antenna is preferred. However, if it is a fixed oil
platform, then the flat panel external antenna can suffice.
3.36 Can I use the unit with other applications apart from Quicklink?
ThurayaIP has been tested with multiple streaming media applications, the most important one being
Quicklink. Besides Quicklink, ThurayaIP is compatible with Streambox, Scotty, Globecast, Livewire,
Audiosoft, etc
3.37 Do I need to acquire the application directly from Quicklink?
The service provider can procure the Quicklink solution, comprising of the client side encoders and
server side decoders directly from Quicklink.
3.38 Do I have to add specific applications to improve the performance of my ThurayaIP?
The performance of any IP link (especially the ones over satellite) can be improved using a special
Performance Enhancement Proxy software/hardware. It is advisable to use the TCP window resizing
software patch for Windows operating system; this can be provided by Thuraya Customer Care or
downloaded from our web site.