
Entering the address
Tap on Enter address.
The ENTER ADDRESS menu is shown.
Enter the name of the desired city by tapping on one letter key at a time.
The system automatically locks all the letters that cannot occur in the name of
the city. If you need to enter a letter or a special character, tap once or
repeatedly on Continue until you see the desired letter or desired special
Use one of the following input sequences:
Country name
City name / Postcode
Street name
Street number
Country name
Street name
Street number
City name / Postcode
Tap on the Country name.
Enter the name of the desired country.
Tap on City.
Enter the name or postcode for the city that is your destination.
Tap on Street.
Enter the name of the destinations address.
If you do not enter any characters in the box for street name then you can skip
entering the address. Tap on Centre instead. The city centre will then be set
as the destination.