
Enter the coordinates for longitude and latitude in the text file separated by a
Enter any name for the waypoint.
The name must be in quotation marks and separated from the GPS
coordinates by a comma.
Enter additional POIs on a new line in the text file.
Save the text file (e.g. on the hard drive of your PC or laptop).
Warnings for POIs
You can create warning messages to be displayed before you reach a certain
waypoint (e.g. sharp bends in the road). When the vehicle is approaching the
waypoint that is defined by the GPS coordinates the relevant warning message (e.g.
sharp bend) is shown.
Proceed as follows in order to create warnings for POIs:
Create a separate text file with any name and the file extension .asc (e.g.
Enter the following information about the destination in the text file:
Coordinate for longitude
Coordinate for latitude
Name of the waypoint
(e.g. 7.6800000,49.0120000, PoorRoad”)
This information must be entered on a single line.
You can find the GPS coordinates you need in e.g. a topographic map.
The GPS coordinates must be specified in degrees with decimal places.
The coordinates of west longitude and south latitude must be entered with
a minus sign ”-” before them.
Enter the coordinates for longitude and latitude in the text file separated by a