
1.2.5 ServiceAdd New Radio Station
Description: You can input a new link address by yourself and add to my favorite.
250 words maximum
Remote control character list
Key 0―― 0, 'DEL'
Key 1―― '1'->'@'-> ' ' (space) -> '!' -> '“' (double quotes) -> '#' -
> '$' -> '%' -> '&' -> ''' (single quotes) -> '(' -> ')' -> '*' -> '+' -> ',' -> '-' ->
'.' -> '/' -> ':' -> ';' -> '<' -> '=' -> '>' -> '? '-> '[' -> '\' - >']' -> '^' -> '_' -> '`' -> '{' -> '|' -
> '}' -> '~'
Key 2―― 2, A, B, C, a, b, c
Key 3―― 3, D, E, F, d, e, f
Key 4―― 4, G, H, I, g, h, i
Key 5―― 5, J, K, L, j, k, l
Key “6―― 6, M, N, O, m, n, o
Key “7―― 7, P, Q, R, S, p, q, r, s
Key “8―― 8, T, U, V, t, u, v
Key 9―― 9, W, X, Y, Z, w, x, y, z
Remark: press '' into next character and press 'Enter' button to confirm. Quit
the store if the character is empty / space and remain on the status of 'Add new
radio station'.
1.3 Media Center
1.3.1 UPNP
Description: Visit the shared folder from your PC
1.4 Information Center
1.4.1 Weather
Description: You can learn the weather forecast all over the world
Function Indication:
1. Add to Standby Display
2.“Currently Date & Time” and “Currently Weather” will be on alternation
display every 10 seconds under the standby mode if the weather forecast
display is started.
1.4.2 Financial Information
Description: You can learn the information of Stock Market all over the world
1.4.3 System Information
Description: You can learn the information of Version / Wlan Mac / Ip address