Operation Manual

Full scan
1. It performs a station scan from channel 5A to 13F
2. Press “Scan” button to do “Full scan”
Manual tune
1. Press the ‘Menu’ button to “Manual tune”;
2. Pressthe“Select”toconrmandtheDABradiowillstart“Manualtune”,
it will display on the screen;
3. Press“◄”and“►”keytoscrollthroughthefrequency;
4. The device can receive the stations automatic in the available frequency
5. If the radio received station at that frequency channel, the radio will show
the stations. Then you can press “select” to enter the station list.
6. Press “Select” to select a desired station to listen to;
7. Repeat 1-6 for tune other Channel frequency
easier to hear when your radio is used in a noisy environment. This function
is only available for the DAB.
DRC Off – No compression
DRC High – Maximum compression
DRC Low – Medium compression
Setting the compression to maximum will “boost” the quiet sounds, whilst
keeping the loudest sounds at their original level.