Operation Manual

12 | EN
1. This instruction manual is published by the manufacturer without any warranty. Corrections and
changes of this instruction manual for the removal of typographic mistakes and editorial inaccu-
racies as well as due to (technical) improvements (changes) of the devices can be done by the
manufacturer at any time without announcement. Changes of this kind are considered in future
versions of this user manual. All rights reserved.
2. All gures are only for illustration and do not always show the exact representation of the product.
3. This unit is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory, or
mental capacities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children
should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the unit.
Setting a safe volume level
If you continually listen to loud music, your hearing gradually adapts to it and gives you the im-
pression that the volume is lower.
What seems normal to you can be already for long time too loud and unhealthy.
To protect yourself from this, set the volume to a low level.
Increase the volume slowly.
Damage to your hearing can be extensive and cannot be reversed.
If you notice a hearing problem, please consult a doctor.
Condensation may occur when moving the device from a cold to a warm environment. If there is
moisture inside the player, it may not operate properly. Don’t turn on the device and wait about
one hour for the moisture to evaporate.
Saving energy
If the unit is not used for a long period of time, it should be unplugged from the AC socket
Take out carefully the unit from the packing. Please keep the packing for further use.
Carefully remove possible protection cardboards and slipcovers.