User Guide

22 • Schlage • OEM 200 Developer guide
Design Considerations | Environmental
The OEM 200, like nearly all electronics, is susceptible to damage by environment factors. The end product must provide
environmental protection from moisture and contamination.
Environmental Factor* Minimum Maximum Nominal
Temperature -35C (-31F) 65C (149F) 24C (75F)
Humidity 0 %RH 95% RH 55% RH
* Though not all are listed here, there are other environmental factors which could impact the system performance and long term
reliability of the end product. Pay careful consideration to other environmental factors such as shock, vibration, radiation, UV
exposure, etc.
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautionary Statement
OEM 200 assemblies are susceptible to
damage by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).
Electrostatic discharge can damage the OEM 200 assembly. Use caution and focus on these areas when handling and
installing the OEM 200 assembly into the end product. The OEM 200 must be handled in an ESD safe environment during
assembly of the OEM 200 into an end product. It is recommended that best practices for ESD control be followed whenever
handling the OEM 200. Refer to JEDEC 625 for best practices for ESD controls.
Eliminate static charges from the workplace and ensure proper ESD precautions are used prior to handling electronic
assemblies. This is accomplished by grounding operators, equipment, and devices (components and computer boards).
It is recommended that the OEM 200 be powered off during handling and installation processes.
Ensure that components and assemblies have proper shielding from static fields when installed into the end product.
Proper grounding prevents static charge buildup and electrostatic potential differences. The end product must provide
proper ESD protection to the OEM 200 system for operation in the field
EMI Design Consideration
The OEM 200 Module has been pre-scanned and is compliant to FCC part 15 for North America and EN300330 for Europe.
Although the OEM 200 Module does meet the EMC regulations for noise emissions as stated above, care must be taken
when integrating it into a larger system. A key design tip is to avoid routing the OEM 200 host or antenna cables over or near
clock sources, power sources, or high speed signals. A general rule of thumb is to keep the cables routed at least 2 cm away
from these types of signals. The further away the better.
Allegion has obtained an EMI scan report for the OEM 200 and this report can be made available upon request. Please
contact your Allegion representative for more information. Since the OEM 200 Module may be used in a variety of
applications, the responsibility to conform to local regulations is le to the customer. For OEM 200 EMI testing guidance
please contact your Allegion representative.