User Guide

CO-100 Offl ine Lock User Guide
If you encounter problems while performing any of the following tests, review the installation guide
and correct any problems.
Mechanical Test
1. Rotate the inside lever or depress the push bar to open the door. Operation should be smooth,
and the latch should retract.
2. Insert the key into the keyway and rotate the key and the outside lever to open the door.
Operation should be smooth, and the latch should retract.
Electronic Test
1. Press any number key. The lock will beep. Use the default PIN (13579 and “#”) to verify access.
After PIN credentials have been programmed, enter a PIN to operate the lock as follows:
Credential Action
Press a valid PIN Green LED will blink and access granted
The “#” key is used as ENTER key for PINs with fewer than six digits. Default minimum digits is six (6).
PIN length may be manually confi gured so users do not have to push the “#” key (see Change PIN
Length on page 7).
If the PIN credential is entered incorrectly, press “
to start over.