Specifications Sheet

Seamless integration
of Li-ion batteries
Conext™ Bridge
Introducing a powerful new control system that
seamlessly connects the Conext™ product line with
lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries
Solution at a glance
Homeowners and installers will realize the benefits of the
efficiency, versatility, and reliability of the Conext™ family of
products with the compactness and longevity of Li-ion batteries in
both on-grid and off-grid applications.
Migrate to Li-ion: Conext™ Bridge enables plug-and-play
migration from traditional 48V lead-acid batteries to advanced
Li-ion batteries rated at 48VDC nominal.
Cost-effective: Intelligent algorithms built inside Conext™
Bridge allow the reduction of energy costs, even in regions
with time-of-use metering.
Flexible: Conext™ Bridge is compatible with batteries from
multiple manufacturers. It supports backup installations and
self-consumption with the option for time-of-use settings.
Easy to install: It is easy to configure using the Conext™
ComBox interface. Auto-configuration of charge parameters
based on battery detection makes the installation simple.
Easy to monitor: The integration with Conext™ ComBox
provides a powerful monitoring and system analysis capability.
The Conext™ Bridge is a collaborative development between
Schneider Electric and battery manufacturers, resulting in a proven
and robust interface between systems.
Conext™ Bridge extends the simplicity of
plug-and-play XanBus communication to
Li-ion batteries, through auto-detection and
auto-programming optimal charge settings
to Conext™ products.
Xanbus to accessories
Conext™ XW+
Conext™ ComBox
Conext™ Bridge

Summary of content (3 pages)