Conext Configuration Tool Manual

System Logging
4–4 975-0720-01-01
This manual is for use by qualified personnel only
Polling Period
You can set the logging period in seconds using a drop-down menu. The
following logging periods are possible:
1 second (default setting)
2 seconds
5 seconds
10 seconds
•1 minute
10 minutes
1 hour
Logging Duration
The logging duration is specified in hours and minutes. A logging duration of
zero allows continuous logging until the Stop button is pushed.
Of course, a very long log file is not recommended as it can produce very large
files which may overload spreadsheet programs such as Excel. For long-term
logs, it is best to specify a logging duration and select an automatic restart.
Scheduled start
You can configure Conext Configuration Tool to start logging at a particular time
of day. This capability, along with logging duration is useful for recording solar
charge controller data during daylight hours. To enable Scheduled start, click the
Scheduled start checkbox. This opens the Scheduled start sub-tree and enables
the Time of day control to be updated.
To change the time of day, click the Time of day field and type or select the
desired time.
Automatic restart
For long-term logging, use the Automatic restart feature. Automatic restart can
work in two possible ways, depending on whether or not Scheduled start is set.
1. If Scheduled start is set, the next log starts at the same time the next day.
2. If Scheduled start is not set, the next log starts as soon as the last log has
finished processing. This provides a nearly, but not quite continuous, log.
There will be a bit of a time gap between data files. If the resultant log file is
being emailed or transmitted to an FTP repository then this gap may be