Conext Configuration Tool Manual

System Logging
4–6 975-0720-01-01
This manual is for use by qualified personnel only
Getting Conext Configuration Tool to send an email can be challenging because
all parameters need to be correct. Firewalls and security programs can also
block email attempts even when all connection parameters are correct.
Always try a short log first with your email connection parameters to make sure
that emails will go through at all before committing to a big logging session.
Security programs can block emails from Conext Configuration Tool despite
allowing emails from a more recognized email program. It may be necessary to
disable your virus scanning program entirely for Conext Configuration Tool to
transfer log files across the Internet.
FTP Options
Another efficient way to send log files offsite is to use FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
FTP can be used instead of or as well as email.
For FTP to work, the computer running Conext Configuration Tool must have a
live Internet connection. There must also be an account on an FTP server that will
receive the compressed log files. You may need to ask your Internet provider or
system administrator for help.
To enable FTP transfer of log files, select FTP. This expands the FTP folder and
enables the configuration fields.
FTP Server
This is the name of the host computer hosting the FTP repository. It generally
requires a format such as
FTP transfers usually occur on port 21 which is the default for this field. However,
some FTP servers may use a different port number to get around firewalls.
Userid and Password
All connections to an FTP server require authentication with a user ID and usually
a password.
The FTP server will usually put you in a directory specific to your account.
However, if you want to put the log file in a subdirectory of the account’s directory,
then specify the subdirectory here.