Conext Configuration Tool Manual

Configuring Conext XW/XW+/SW Inverter/Chargers
975-0720-01-01 3–11
This manual is for use by qualified personnel only
Table 3-4 Inverter/Charger AC Settings
Setting Description
AC Input
Conext XW+ only: Sets the priority for the AC source (AC1 or AC2) for qualification
and transfer. For example, this setting allows the inverter/
charger to use a renewable energy source (such as an AC
hydro generator) connected to AC2 on a first-priority basis and
use utility power only when renewable energy is insufficient or
unavailable to power loads.
AC1 Breaker Sets the AC1 (Grid) breaker size, based on the size of the
breaker installed on AC1. The installed breaker size must not
exceed the capacity of the upstream distribution panel. The
inverter/charger limits the maximum input current to this setting
by derating its charging current.
AC1 Lo Volt Minimum acceptable input voltage level from the utility grid.
AC1 Hi Volt Maximum acceptable input voltage level from the utility grid.
AC1 Lo Freq Minimum acceptable utility grid input frequency.
AC1 Hi Freq Maximum acceptable utility grid input frequency.
AC2 Breaker Conext XW+ only: Sets the AC2 (Gen) breaker size, based on the size of the
installed AC breaker. The breaker size must not exceed the
capacity of the generator. Conext Configuration Tool limits the
maximum input current to this setting by derating its charging
AC2 Lo Volt Minimum acceptable input voltage level from the generator.
AC2 Hi Volt Maximum acceptable input voltage level from the generator.
AC2 Lo Freq Minimum acceptable generator input frequency.
AC2 Hi Freq Maximum acceptable generator input frequency.
XW to Gen
transfer delay
Sets the time it takes for the Conext XW+ Inverter/Charger to
qualify the Gen (AC2) input.