Installation Guide

1–14 975-0639-01-01 Rev D
This guide for use by qualified personnel only
Size of AC Input Wiring Wire size must be coordinated with the overcurrent
protection provided ahead of the wire involved, in accordance with the electrical
codes or regulations applicable to your installation.
Therefore, the wiring used between the main AC source panel’s circuit breaker
and the inverter/charger AC INPUT must be sized to match the input breaker
Size of AC Output Wiring Wire size must be coordinated with the current the
wiring will carry. For example, this current may be determined by the 15-amp
maximum inverter current, or by the bypass current, which is determined by the
overcurrent protection provided ahead of the Conext SW 4024 120/240.
Size of Wiring Downstream of the AC Output Breaker The wiring used
between the AC output breaker and your loads must be sized to match the
output breaker.
DC Component -
The Conext SW system requires a 24-volt or 48-volt, lead-acid deep-cycle
battery or group of batteries to provide the DC current that the inverter/charger
converts to AC power. The battery may be a flooded, gel, or AGM type.
See “Battery Information” on page 1–37 for information on:
Estimating the battery size that will meet your requirements.
Designing battery banks.
Restrictions on the size of appliances.
For information on cabling and hooking up batteries, see “Battery Cabling and
Hook-up Configurations” on page 1–41.
For detailed information about specific brands of batteries, consult individual
battery manufacturers or a local battery distributor.
DC Cabling Definition DC cabling and connectors between the batteries, the DC
disconnect and overcurrent protection device, and the inverter/charger.
Typ e All installations require multi-strand insulated cables. The DC cables must
be copper and must be sized based on 75 °C ampacity and must have an
insulation rating of at least 75 °C.
Size and Length See Table 1-2 for required DC cable length, cable size and
required fuse size for the Conext SW. Wire size is usually marked on the cables.
Tabl e 1-1 AC Wire Size In and Out of the Inverter/Charger
Conext SW
Breaker Size Used 30 amps per line
Wire Size No. 8 AWG
Color Coding L1/L2: red or black
N: white or gray
: green or bare