
Configuring Advanced Settings
975-0638-01-01 Rev E 4–11
Using the Low Battery Cut Out and LBCO Delay Settings
The Low Batt Cut Out setting is the lowest battery voltage level acceptable for
use by the inverter. When the batteries discharge to the Low Batt Cut Out setting
and are held at or below this level for the LBCO Delay time, the inverter output
shuts down and transfers any available AC source (like an AC generator) to the
charger to bring the battery level back above the Low Batt Cut Out setting. After
shutdown, the inverter does not support any AC loads, and AC loads must be
powered by an AC generator.
If using an automatic generator starting system, it is recommended to set the
Xanbus AGS voltage trigger setting higher than the Conext SW Low Batt Cut Out
voltage. Otherwise, inverter output turns off before the generator automatically
starts, causing the battery voltage to recover slightly. This may then stop the
Xanbus AGS from starting the generator or result in the inverter cycling on and off
multiple times before the generator automatically starts.
If using an automatic generator starting system with the start trigger set to the
same voltage as the LBCO voltage, do not set the LBCO Delay for less than the
amount of time it takes the generator to start and connect. Otherwise, inverter
output turns off before the generator automatically starts, causing the battery
voltage to recover slightly. This may then stop the Xanbus AGS from starting the
generator or result in the inverter cycling on and off multiple times before the
generator automatically starts.
Low Battery Cut Out Hysteresis
Low battery cut out (Low Batt Cut Out) (LBCO) preserves battery life by
stopping the inverter when battery voltage drops down to the LBCO value for a
few seconds then battery charging commences. When charging starts, the
voltage level jumps a little but enough that inverting might resume abruptly. Then,
battery voltage goes down again and charging starts abruptly. To prevent the
inverter from switching abruptly between inverting and charging, the LBCO
Hysteresis value is added to the LBCO value to allow the battery voltage to
reach a sufficient energy capacity level before inverting resumes. This feature
contributes to battery health.
Using Search Mode
Why use Search
Search mode allows the inverter to selectively power only items that draw more
than a certain amount of power, which can result in power savings.
The Conext SW has a no-load power draw of about 38 W (SW 2524 120/240) and
40 W (SW 4024 120/240). Enabling Search mode reduces this power draw to
less than 8 W for all models.
Search mode operates differently in single-unit and multiple unit installations.
Single units When a single Conext SW has Search mode enabled, the inverter sends
electrical search pulses through its AC output. These search pulses search for
connected AC loads. The delay between search pulses is set using the Search
Delay setting.
After a load larger than the Search Watts setting is detected, the inverter
turns on.