User's Manual

SCHOEPS GmbH · Spitalstr. 20 · D-76227 Karlsruhe (Durlach) · Tel: +49 721 943 20-0 · Fax: +49 721 943 2050 ·
Suggested Capsules for Specific Applications
Appliations: Recommendations:
On a lectern MK 4 (cardioid) with B 5 D close-speech guard
Conference recording MK 4 (cardioid) with B 5 D close-speech guard;
for close pickup < 20 cm: cardioid with bass rolloff MK 4P;
for close pickup < 10 cm: cardioid with bass rolloff MK 4XP
TV speaker’s table MK 4 (cardioid) without pop filter at a distance exceeding 40 cm
Broadcast studio MK 4 with PR 120 SV pop filter; also SCHOEPS V4 U
TV “round table” discussion MK 4 (cardioid) or boundary-layer capsule BLM 03 Cg (hemisphere);
Church MK 4 (cardioid) or boundary-layer capsule BLM 03 C (hemisphere)
Stage MK 4 (cardioid) or MK 41 (supercardioid) with BLCg, CMR microphone
amplifier and pocket transmitter
Stage (movable) MK 4 (cardioid) or MK 41 (supercardioid) with CMR microphone
amplifier and pocket transmitter
Stage (hand-held) CMH 64 (wire-bound) or wireless hand-held radio mircophone from
Wisycom or Audio Ltd. with SCHOEPS MK capsule
Stage (fixed) MK 4 (cardioid) on an RC Active Tube with B 5 D windscreen
News reporting MK 5 (omni/ cardioid, switchable); use the omni setting if there is
strong wind and/ or when there is no disturbing ambient noise; wind-
screens: B 5 D, W 5 D or W 20 R1
Film and video dialog/effects MK 41, possibly wireless with CMR, CUT 60, B 5 D, KC, GVC;
Studio MK 4, MK 4V (cardioid), MK 22 (Open Cardioid) with PR 120 S/-SV
pop filter; also SCHOEPS V4 U
All instr. incl. percussion MK 4 (cardioid); to pick up room sound as well – especialy with an
organ: MK 2S (omni) or – when the room’s character is less than
optimal or if the bass is too strong: MK 21 (wide cardioid)
Tympani, bass drum, etc. pressure transducer, e.g. MK 2 (omni)
Instruments with adapters violin: MK 4/ MK 4V (cardioid), saxophone: MK 4 (cardioid)
Spot mike in an orchestra MK 4 (cardioid), MK 41 (supercardioid), but also MK 21 (wide cardioid)
or MK 22 (Open Cardioid), all with an RC Active Tube
Orchestra, chorus ORTF microphone MSTC 64; A/B recording, e.g. with MK 2S , BLM 3g
or BLM 03 Cg; M/S with MK 4/ MK 21 (cardioid/ wide cardioid) and
MK 8 (figure-8); Decca-Tree with 3× MK 2H, perhaps using KA 40
accessory spheres
Small orchestra / ensemble M/S with RCY Active Tube or microphones of the COLETTE Modular
System, boundary-layer technique, ORTF or X/Y with UMS 20 stereo
Film and video dialog/effects M/S with MK 41 (supercardioid) in the M-channel and MK 8 (figure-8)
or with a CMIT and CCM 8, boundary-layer technique with BLM 03 Cg,
e.g. under a thin table cloth or in a car under the top
Orchestra OCT surround; Decca Tree with 5× MK 2H, perhaps using KA 40
accessory spheres; near-coincident placement with 5× MK 21 (wide
cardioid) or MK 4 (cardioid)/ MK 22 (Open Cardioid), Hamasaki
Square with 4× MK 8 (figure-8)
Film and video dialog/effects Double M/S
Stereo Instruments Speech / Speakers / Vocals