Information Sheet

S E L- 73 4 W a n d S E L-W C S Inf o r ma t i o n S h e e t D a t e Co d e 20 1 9 1 0 1 4
Product Overview
option for no calculation of the harmonics, the sensor will send updates more fre-
quently (for line currents below 200 A). Tabl e 1 compares typical update periods
with and without harmonics calculation for certain values of line current.
Product Overview
Figure 1 depicts the key components of the SEL-WCS. Each SEL-WCS mounts
onto and monitors the line current on one phase. The SEL-WCS periodically
sends the load data information including the harmonics to a SEL-734W.
Shotgun Stick Loop and Spring
The shotgun stick loop allows the SEL-WCS to be mounted on the line or
removed from the line using only a shotgun stick. The springs simplify installa-
tion on overhead lines and hold the SEL-WCS in position. See SEL-WCS Instal-
lation for more information.
Current Transformer (CT)
The SEL-WCS split-core CT harvests energy to power the device and accurately
measure load current and harmonics of the current.
Table 1 WCS Typical Update Period Versus Line Current
Line Current
(amps rms)
No-Harmonics Update Period
Harmonics Update Period
220 64
5 4.1 12.5
10 2.0 5.7
20 1.1 2.0
50 1.1 1.4
100 1.1 1.3
Figure 1 SEL-WCS Key Components
Shotgun Stick Loop
Current Transformer
Twistlock Housing
for Setting Access
Omnidirectional Antenna for
the Radio Transmitter
Control (DIP)
Switch Bank
Spring for Secure Installation