Instructions / Assembly

A Special Note for Parents
This toy is intended for use by small children. As a parent or
guardian, you bear the responsibility of ensuring the safety of your
child. To make sure this toy is used safely, a responsible adult must
supervise any child playing with it. This includes allowing it to be
used only where and when it is clearly safe for a small child to do
so and making certain that it is in good repair and secure operating
Rules for Children
To avoid accidents, teach children good riding skills with an
emphasis on safety from an early age.
1. Rider should always wear a properly fitted helmet
that complies with the US Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC) standard 16 CFR 1203.
2. Continuous adult supervision required.
3. Allow only one rider.
4. Excessive weight may cause a hazardous or
unstable condition.
5. Do not play in driveways or the road.
6. Do not ride on busy streets.
Do not ride at night.
8. Obey all traffic laws, especially stop signs and red lights.
9. Be aware of other road vehicles behind and nearby.
10. Don't ride barefoot - closed shoes better than sandals.
11. Wear brightly colored clothing.
12. Never take your hands off the handelbars, or your feet off
the pedals when riding downhill.