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Use the keypad to enter a CONV (conversion) factor, which is multiplied by the displayed unit of
measure reading, to arrive at your desired unit of measure reading. After entering the conversion
factor, tap the CONV box to enter the conversion mode. The balance display will also show a CNV
enunciator instead of a units of measure enunciator.
If you tap Back to Units, the balance will exit the conversion mode and the PDA will return to the
Change Units of Weight screen.
If you tap Main, the balance will remain in the conversion weighing mode and the PDA returns to
the Main Menu.
You can store this conversion factor in one of the 50 balance memory registers to be recalled at any
time. Use the < key on the PDA to erase any error during your entry of the conversion factor.
The TARE key tares the balance remotely but it remains in the conversion mode.
CLEAR MODES takes you back to your normal weighing mode before entering a conversion factor
and the PDA will stay in the Conversions and multipliers screen.