Installation Guide

Estimated Assembly Time: 20 minutes (24 hours for adhesive to dry).
Before beginning assembly of product, make sure all parts are present. Compare parts with
package contents list and hardware contents list. If any part is missing or damaged, do not
attempt to assemble the product.
Tools Required for Assembly (not included): Phillips screwdriver, utility knife or scissors,
adhesive, power drill with drill bit and measuring tape.
1. If there is baseboard at the location where you
want to install floor cabinet then directly go to
step 2. If there isn't a baseboard at the location,
please remove the wall mounting spacer bar (B)
from back of cabinet by unscrewing the screws
on the back of the wall mounting spacer bar then
go to step 2.
2. Clean area where the cabinet (A) will be
permanently located prior to beginning
installation, ensuring the cabinet (A) will not
interfere with any plumbing or electrical lines
once mounted.
Locate wall studs and mark locations. With the
help of another adult, place completed cabinet
assembly to its final location. Adjust the height
of the cabinet (A) by twisting the adjustable
leveler foot pins on the bottom of each leg. Twist
clockwise to decrease height or twist counter-
clockwise to increase cabinet height.
Using hardware appropriate for your wall type
such as cabinet screw or toggle bolt (not
included), secure cabinet (A) to preferably two
wall studs anywhere through the cabinet
mounting bar. Be careful not to disturb any
electrical or water lines that may be concealed
in the wall.