User's Manual

Screen Service SDT 200UB – SDT 500UB ARK-1 ATSC Operations
July, 2009 v 1.0 Page 3 - 108
3.8.14 System Error Event
For critical and fatal errors, the system calls the system error function and the SYS_ERR event is reported.
The error code is describer below:
0x00: Out of memory. Memory pool size is too small.
0x01: Invalid memory block release. Buffer data has been written out of boundaries of the allocated
memory block.
0x02: Link pointer corrupted. Buffer data has been written out of boundaries of the allocated memory
0x03: No free UDP Sockets. The system has run out of UDP Sockets.
0x04: No free TCP Sockets. The system has run out of TCP Sockets.
0x05: TCP socket is in an undefined state. System memory has been accidentally overwritten.