User's Manual

ISO 9001:2000 Cert. N°4500/1
Version 1.1 SDT_ARK6_User_Manual_ENG_vATSC Page 69 of 206
During saving actions one linear pre-correction file is created, the *.dpre file, which contains the digital
coefficients for linear pre-correction filter.
The following buttons allow the management of non linear pre-correction files and the management of
the connection to port 5000:
Save: used to save in the device memory the current curves setting. The previously saved file
will be overwritten except in the event that no files have been saved before; in this case a
dedicated window appears in order to let the user name the new file.
Save as: used to save in the device memory the current curves setting. The previously saved file
will be overwritten with a new name. In the event that no files have been saved before, a new
file will be created.
Read file: used to reload the last saved file.
Export: used to download pre-correction files on the user PC. A browser window allows the
selection of the saving path.
Release: releases the connection in order to allow others remote machines to connect to port
5000 (refer to Connection to port 5000 paragraph).
5.8.3 Port 5000 connection
The connection to port 5000 is performed every time a pre-correction tool is opened through Mod. Pha.
and AM/PM buttons, from Java interface. The pre-correction tool opens and keeps busy the connection
to port 5000 till the connection releasing.
The connection to this port precludes the possibility of:
programming the device;
allowing more than one user, the very same one that is keeping busy the connection, to open
the pre-correction tools,
saving the parameters of the Option sub-menu.
The Release button comes through these limits. It closes the connection to port 5000, close the Mod.
Pha. / AM/PM window and opens the General window. Once clicked the Release buttons and before
quitting the pre-correction tool, three options are provided:
Continue: continue without saving;
Save and Release: save, continue and release the connection;
Cancel: cancel the request of releasing the connection.
Figure 29. Realizing connection