User's Manual

4.6.7 Port trigger Settings
This feature means that the data flow comes from the host and port (activation port) of the internal network,
automatically opens the designated port (open port) of the gateway WAN interface and forwards the data flow
pointing to the open port of the WAN port for This host on the internal network.
Items Description
Trigger Protocol The host needs to activate the protocol. TCP, UDP, ALL (TCP and UDP).
Trigger Start Port The initial port number that the external host needs to activate.
Trigger End Port The final port number that the external host needs to trigger.
Open protocol Internal hosts require open protocols. TCP, UDP, ALL (TCP and UDP).
Open Start Port The internal host needs to open the initial port number.
Open End Port The internal host needs an open end port number.
4.6.8 Parental Control
This feature is used to achieve parental restrictions on children's onlinetime.