sE Electronics RF-X Reflexion

Space (Specialised Portable
Acoustic Control
Environment) is SE
Electronics’ newest and most
expensive filter and is roughly 20%
larger than the Pro. It uses an
improved 10-layer absorption system
incorporating seven vertical bass trap
pillars and, despite the increased
size, the use of aluminium rather
than steel framing makes it roughly
the same weight as the Pro. A
flexible clamp means you can adjust
its orientation more accurately than
either of the other two on test, and
they’ve even included a couple of
empty ballast bags for belt and
braces stand stability.
In practice, Space’s larger scale
delivers a less claustrophobic set-up,
and, although the bold styling may
not be to everyone’s taste, the design
detail is excellent. Much like the
Pro, Space provides some focus to
the sound and some rear isolation,
and works well used alongside other
traditional room treatments.
Sonically it’s a subtle improvement
over the Pro, and is obviously more
expensive and more bulky. Even so,
from a user perspective it’s a better
product all round.
VerDICt 8.8
This is the product that
kicked it all off, and it’s
stood the test of time
reasonably well. Construction is
excellent, and through panel bolts
from the outer to inner surface not
only add rigidity but also ensure the
inner panel sections are decently
dampened. The filter is mounted via
a single thread at the bottom and
this is attached to a robust clamp.
The clamp, like all three filters on
test, also has an integrated
adjustable mic mounting arm that
sits within the filter. The filter and
bracket combination are reasonably
weighty so you’ll need a decent mic
stand, and some caution is required
in use to ensure the whole thing
doesn’t topple over.
The Reflexion Filter Pro features
a multi-layer design using wool,
tensioned aluminium foil and
polyester fibreboard. This not only
filters sound but also ensures the
filtered sound and early reflections
aren’t unduly coloured. In practice it
curtails some sound into the rear of
the mic and overall can add some
degree of focus, particularly in the
low to mid frequencies. Even so,
in use its compact size can feel
quite claustrophobic.
VerDICt 8.4
The RF-X delivers the
reflexion concept at a super
affordable price and,
although it retains some of the
design aspects of the more expensive
models, such as the shape, size and
combined clamp and mic mount, the
panel system is a bit simpler,
consisting of two layers of foam, an
air gap and vented outer surface.
From a practical perspective the
RF-X is both light and easy to mount,
using a clamp that bolts onto the
rear of the filter. What’s more, the
understated matt black finish avoids
the ‘look at me’ nature of some
designs. Nevertheless, from a sonic
perspective the RF-X is less
effective, and the tightening of the
low mid frequencies noted from
better models just isn’t there.
Even so, there is some overall
improvement, and given the price we
shouldn’t be too critical.
VerDICt 8.0
OVERALL WINNER The futuristic-looking Space
may not be a one-stop solution to creating isolation,
but it’s clearly one of the best devices in its class.
sE Electronics
RF-X Reflexion
THE BEST VALUE If funds are truly tight SE’s RF-X
is a well-made, albeit less effective, unit and well
worth your attention.
sE Reflexion Filters | Reviews
FMU330.rev_grouptest.indd 95 19/03/2018 14:02