User's Manual

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This delay ensures that if multiple repeaters receive a message simultaneously they will
not check if the channel is busy at exactly the same time (which may result in more than
one repeater transmitting at the same time, possibly corrupting the message).
Typical usage: +09=1<CR> (1=enable, 0=disable)
WDog Timeout: This parameter defines how often to transmit the Wdog periodic
message (if configured) in seconds. If this parameter is set to 0 the Wdog periodic
message is disabled. If to be enabled, this parameter should be set between 10 and
Typical usage: +10=0<CR>
In Debounce: This is the period that an input must be settled for before transmitting a
message (If configured) for that input. The debounce period is programmed in 25mS
increments. The input debounce can be set between 25mS and 27minutes (0-65535).
Typical usage (to set a debounce time of 100mS): +11=4<CR>
In Tx Count: When an input is triggered (and input message configured) this
parameter defines how many times the input message is transmitted. Setting to 0
prevents any input messages from being transmitted. This parameter can be set
between 0 and 9.
Typical usage: +12=1<CR>
In Resend Delay: When the In Tx Count has been configured to be more than 1 then
the resend delay is the delay in seconds before the triggered input message is
transmitted again.
In Hi/Lo Msg: This message must be a valid Salcom protocol message in order to be
used. Setting these parameters to anything other than a Salcom protocol message will
result in no message being transmitted. Setting to an invalid message such as “None”
effectively disables the message from being sent. Any input message cannot be
programmed to be longer than 40 characters.
Typical usage (to send to RIC 1234560 beep level 1 Alphanumeric 512 baud when
input 1 transitions to low): +15=CA1234560 1 Input 1 Low<CR>
WDog Msg: This is the periodic message that when configured is transmitted when
the Wdog timeout expires. This message must be configured in the same manner as
the input messages. This message will not be sent if the Wdog timeout is configured to
be 0.
Typical usage (to send to RIC 1234560 beep level 1 Alphanumeric 512 baud):
+18=CA1234560 1 Periodic Message<CR>
Serial Mode: This mode configures serial options.
When set to 1 this is the default “verbose” serial mode. In this mode serial information
is displayed when the channel is busy (CHAN BUSY) and if acting as a store forward
repeater will show when a message has been duplicate rejected (DUPL).
When set to 0, CHAN BUSY and DUPL messages will be suppressed - this allows
Sea Air and Land Communications Ltd Page 20
greater compatibility with other Salcom transmitter products.
When set to 2 the 12-90 enters the serial passthrough mode of operation.
Typical usage: +19=1<CR>