System information

9797B-70 C-Band TXRX Basic System Information
The Above Decks Equipment consists of an
Antenna Pedestal inside a Radome assembly.
The pedestal consists of a satellite antenna
dish & feed with a linear, or a circular Low
Noise Block converter (LNB) with polarization
motor mounted on a stabilized antenna
pedestal. The radome provides an
environmental enclosure for the antenna
pedestal assembly inside it. This keeps wind,
water condensation and salt-water spray off
the antenna pedestal assembly. This prevents
damage and corrosion that would shorten the
expected life span of the equipment.
Antenna ADE Assembly
Two coaxial cables are connected from the
antenna radome assembly to the below decks
equipment. One of these cables includes the
Antenna Control signaling and IF, the other
cable carries the other IF signal.
These cables ultimately provide the
input/output signals into/out of the satellite
The Antenna Control Unit allows the operator to control and monitor the antenna pedestal with dedicated
function buttons, LED’s and a 2 line display. The ACU and its Terminal Mounting Strip are normally mounted
in a standard 19” equipment rack. The ACU should be mounted in the front of the equipment rack where it is
easily accessible. The Terminal Mounting Strip is normally mounted on the rear of the equipment rack. It is
recommended that the antenna control unit be mounted near the Satellite modem location where you can
see the LED indicators while you are controlling the antenna.
Antenna Control Unit
The Antenna Control Unit is connected to the antenna, ships Gyro Compass and Satellite modem.
Figure 3-4 Antenna Control Unit
The Antenna Control Unit (ACU) communicates via an RS-422 full duplex data link with the Pedestal Control
Unit (PCU) located on the antenna. This control signal to/from the antenna is on the Coax cable along with
the L-Band Receive IF from the LNB. The Pedestal Control Unit stabilizes the antenna against the ship's roll,
pitch, and turning motions. The ACU is the operator interface to the PCU and provides the user with a choice
of positioning commands to point the antenna, search commands to find the satellite signal and tracking
functions to maintain optimum pointing. The operator may choose to work from either the front panel, using
the M&C Port in conjunction with DacRemP remote diagnostic software, or the built in Ethernet port and a
internal HTML page using a standard internet browser .
Pedestal Power - An appropriate source of AC Voltage (110 VAC 60 Hz OR 220 VAC 50 Hz) is required for
the above decks equipment. Total power consumption will depend on the number of equipments connected
to this power source.
Above Decks AC Power Supply
RF Equipment (TX/RX Systems ONLY) - The AC voltage source should be well regulated and surge protected.
Uninterrupted Power Supplies are frequently installed (below decks) to provide power for the antenna
pedestal, especially if RF Equipment is installed on the pedestal. Refer to the Specifications section of this
manual for the power consumption of the antenna pedestal and RF Equipment.
Marine Air Conditioner Unit (TX/RX Systems ONLY) - If a marine air conditioner is included with your system,
the AC voltage source should be from a separate AC Power breaker source than the antenna pedestal. AC
Figure 3-3 Series 97 TXRX Above Decks Equipment