System information

9797B-70 C-Band TXRX Functional Testing
6. Functional Testing
6.1. ACU / Antenna System Check
1. Turn ACU power ON. Turn antenna Pedestal/RF Equipment power ON
2. Press RESET on the ACU front panel. Verify the display shows "SEA TEL INC - MASTER" and the ACU
software version number. Wait 10 seconds for the display to change to "SEA TEL INC - REMOTE" and the PCU
software version number. If the display shows "REMOTE INITIALIZING” wait for approximately 2 minutes for
the antenna to complete initialization and report the Antenna Model and PCU software version.
3. Press the NEXT keys repeatedly to display the Ship, Satellite, Antenna and Status menus. This verifies
that the displays change in the correct response to the keys.
If “REMOTE NOT RESPONDING" is displayed, or the displays do not change when the NEXT key is pressed, refer to
the Troubleshooting Section of this manual.
6.2. Latitude/Longitude Auto-Update check
This verifies that the integrated GPS antenna is automatically updating the positional information.
1. Press the NEXT key until the Ship’s menu is displayed.
2. Press the ENTER key to isolate the Latitude entry menu.
3. Press the LEFT arrow key to display a cursor under the
numeric value.
4. Press the UP arrow key to increment the displayed
5. Press the ENTER key to submit change.
6. If automatic updating is working properly the Longitude
value display will return to the current ships Longitude
position within a few seconds.
6.3. Heading Following
Verify that the heading display in the ACU is following the ships Gyro Compass.
1. Press NEXT repeatedly until the SHIP MENU (Heading) display is displayed. When Left and right values are
displayed, left is the response from the pedestal and right in the local input from the gyrocompass.
2. Have another person call out the Gyro Compass heading to you while you observe the Heading display. The
Heading display should consistently be exactly the same as the Gyro Compass value. If the heading display
changes incorrectly or the red ERROR LED illuminates on the front panel, refer to the Troubleshooting section
of the ACU manual.
3. Return to normal operation OR Continue with the next functional test.
6.4. Azimuth & Elevation Drive
This verifies that the antenna moves in the correct response to the keys.
1. Press the NEXT key until the Antenna Menu is displayed.
2. If tracking or searching status is enabled, press the key.
3. Press the RIGHT arrow key repeatedly and verify that the antenna physically moves up (CW) in
Azimuth and that the display accurately reflects that movement.